Ep 15 - Wildball, How ChinaMike Makes Bank with Basketball in China

In the episode we focus on ChinaMike's love and history playing semi-pro ball in China, also known as "Wildball." He waxed lyrical on topics such as:

  • Not knowing people were getting paid off of his playing time, while he played for fun
  • The key differences between basketball in the Wild Wild East & the U.S.
  • How to identify sleazy agents that will sell you a dream and give you a nightmare
  • Which basketball players from the West succeed, which players fail and why
  • What happens when someone who's never been outside of the US, finds themselves playing in front of 10,000 screaming fans, in the most remote villages of China
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Ep 14 - Author, Amazon FBA Expert, Electronics Sourcing Guru - Manuel Becvar from ImportDojo.com

One of best interviews we've done thus far on the podcast. Manuel Becvar is a renaissance man based out of Hong Kong & Bangkok, with over 10 years of experience sourcing electronics in China and two successful companies. He took us to school on topics such as:

  • Why he never took the leap from Hong Kong to mainland China
  • The sourcing skills he's mastered through his electronics trading company Mandarin-Gear and translating those into a successful Amazon FBA Coaching venture called ImportDojo
  • If Amazon will try to kill the competition and take all the knowledge/skills learnt from it's sellers
  • When an FBA seller should consider shipping via Air vs Sea
  • His FBA launch process and favourite marketing tactics
  • What the main differences are between Alibaba & Global Sources
  • The importance of networking and giving value without expecting anything return
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Amazon FBA, AlibabaRicoComment
Ep 13 - 100% Funded in 48 Hours Kickstarter - Wood MacBook Skins with Bambooti.be

Rico Skyped with the Bambooti.be Boys, Pieter Van Moll & Freek Gielen, about their 200% funded Kickstarter campaign. Their campaign ends in 2 days and their slogan is simple and catchy, "A Wooden Back For Your Mac" but the unique selling point isn't doesn't end there. Topics Include.

  • The strategy that got them 100% funded within 2 days of launching the campaign
  • Why they chose to manufacture in the UK rather than China
  • How Freek used his design skills to make a MacBook everyone adores
  • One of THE BEST ways to get influencers, tastemakers & major publications to pay attention to your campaign
  • How they plan on scaling their business via a drop shipping business model
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Ep 12 - Hiring, Firing & Managing a Team in China

ChinaMike & Rico, took a break from the holiday festivities to break down how they've hired, fired and managed employees in a foreign country. They touched on:

  • The best ways to attract star employees that suit your business
  • Why having a "higher education" isn't always a positive sign in the recruitment process
  • If the younger Chinese generation is beginning to admire the "startup culture"
  • Whether or not you have to micro-manage all your employees
  • ChinaMike's horror story on what can go wrong when you give too much trust and what red flags to look out for
  • The importance systemizing and automation, when managing a company in China
  • The apps and strategies that the Source Find Asia team uses to automate and work remotely 
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Rico Comments
Ep 11 - (Bonus Episode) What It's Like to Teach & Study English in China - With Vivi Chow

Ever wondered what it's like to teach English in China? Or what the perspective was from a Chinese student's side? In this short bonus episode you can hear it all directly from a Guangzhou, China native named Vivi Chow - whom Rico used to teach. Topics incl:

  • Some of the main reasons why Chinese people study English
  • What Vivi thinks about the amount of "unqualified" foreigners teaching English in China
  • The main characteristics Chinese students like in their foreign English teachers
  • How good & how bad Rico was when he was teaching English
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Ep 10 - Starting an Amazon FBA Business & How Being in China Will Save Your Butt (With Zam Tual)

Rico sat down with Zam Tual, a successful Amazon FBA Seller, to break down the benefits of being based in China while setting up your Amazon FBA business. Topics covered incl:

  • Zam's process of identifying the best selling products on FBA
  • The must have apps for any FBA seller
  • His first product failures and how he's launched 2 highly profitable products since
  • The  #1 FREE resource that will teach you how to build, launch and sustain a successful FBA business
  • What level of customization he's doing and how it takes his product quality to the next level
  • The future of FBA and how to stay relevant in a saturated market
  • How being in or having connections in China has saved Zam's ass on numerous occasions
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Amazon FBARico Comments
Ep 9 - Ask ChinaMike & Rico Session #1 - Sourcing in China Q&A

In this episode we answer your questions regarding everything from sourcing, manufacturing, logistics and trading. Be prepared for some knowledge bombs as Rico and Mike get on a trans-Pacific call to address some of the following:

  • Getting your Chinese factory to provide you a warranty, particularly for electronic products

  • The best way to communicate with your supplier after they’ve done something wrong

  • How to go about structuring your pricing if you’re getting started in sourcing business

  • Dealing with traders vs. manufacturers and how much more the traders actually mark up the products

  • The 3 cardinal rules you need to know before you start importing to, or from, Asia

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Ep 8 - The Hands Down Best Way to Validate Your Business Ideas (with Ryan Mulvihill)

Tune in as we interview Ryan Mulvihill, an online entrepreneur who’s recently successfully launched his first book “Startup Idea Action Plan", which is currently beating some of the bestsellers such as Elon Musk’s biography and The Lean Startup! Here’s what to expect:

  • How to take the principles taught in courses like The Foundation and apply them to any kind of business
  • Why validating your product via B2B is so much easier than via B2C
  • The number one (silly) thing that stops most people from validating their business ideas
  • The foolproof method of getting your business idea validated before you make any significant time and money investments (this is also the cheapest method possible)
  • How to get your first 20-30 customers literally out of thin air
  • How to use Ryan’s techniques for physical product validation (do this before you decide to source and design a product in China)
  • How Ryan’s friends have avoided spending thousands of dollars on products that wouldn’t have much of a success
  • The best ways to get over the fear of cold calling
  • How to warm up your leads and keep them engaged (yes, it can be automated)
  • Why sounding like an asshole will get you past gatekeepers on the phone
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Rico Comments
5 Fundamental Tips for Effective Communication with Chinese Suppliers on Alibaba

So you, an entrepreneur, a purchasing agent, or an amazon seller – whoever you are, you want to make sure you do all the right things when talking to your potential Chinese suppliers.

You want to establish an effective communication – the key to any successful sourcing project. At this point it doesn’t matter whether you are doing product development and using a crowdfunding platform like kickstarter, or you’re just looking for another variation of a popular product.

The tips we’ve enlisted here apply universally to whatever it is that you want to source in China.

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Ep 7 - How to Break Into A Chinese Network and Build Relationships (with Russell Smith)

In this episode we interview Russell Smith, a long-term expat in China who currently designs websites and does online marketing for Chinese manufacturers. Here’s what’s on tap:

  • How he got started in China and why sourcing is not for everyone

  • How he transitioned into providing services to Chinese companies

  • The staggering differences between forming Chinese vs. Western business relationships

  • How Russell managed to break into a network of hundreds factory owners and how he’s built his reputation with them from scratch

  • The one brunch with his Chinese contacts that resulted in landing 3 contracts simultaneously

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Ep 6 - 5 Things To Know When Manufacturing Your Product in China

This time the script is flipped and it’s Mike & Rico who are being interviewed by fellow entrepreneurial friends Carl Nickel and Gary Hones, all based in Guangzhou, China. Tune in for a lot of knowledge bombs on sourcing:

  • The essential things you need to find out before ever attempting to source a product

  • How to significantly cut down on time explaining the design to a factory

  • Testing your products before your suppliers actually produces them

  • The number one thing that will mitigate risks related to your order


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Ep 5 - (Bonus Episode) Q&A Session with Rico - Your Questions Answered

Time for some exciting announcements and having your questions answered!

In this episode:

  • My recent meetup with the most successful person under 30 that I know personally (mind = blown)
  • How to get started in China without an idea
  • The things that every newbie needs to know when visiting factories for the first time
  • How to contact factories directly and avoid dealing with trading agents and middlemen
  • The types of products you shouldn’t source if you’re new to the game
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Rico Comments
Ep 4 - Mastery of The Mind Best Selling Author & Digital Nomad - Noam Lightstone

In this episode we interview a digital nomad, best-selling author and creator of the blog Light Way of Thinking, Noam Lightstone. Including topics like:

  • How he realized he couldn’t work for anybody after graduating in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering with a Master’s degree

  • His impressions after visiting China and why that country is not for everyone

  • The process of moving from Canada to Saigon, Vietnam and landing a job

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Ep 3 - You’ve Raised 411% of Your Goal on Indiegogo... Now What?

China has been THE place for crowdfunding entrepreneurs designing and manufacturing their products. This time we get Luke Francis of Morveau Watches to sit on the hot chair and pick his brains about the whole process of creating, launching and successfully funding an Indiegogo campaign as well as what followed after that. Tune in to hear about:

  • How he solely created a very successful campaign despite never having it done before

  • How he maximized the funding and passed the goal of $20,000 all the way to over $85,000

  • How Richard Branson inspired him to get out of his cushy 9-5 job

  • The unexpected challenge of communicating with 600 backers

  • Saving thousands of dollars in the process by outsourcing jobs on Upwork

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Ep 2 - 5 Tips To Survive and Thrive in China

Are you coming to China for the first time? This episode is for you, even if you’ve traveled there before.
This week we talk about:

  • The essential apps and software to set up before laying your foot in China

  • How to carry your essentials and avoid getting pickpocketed

  • The #1 item that’ll help you keep your sanity with all the chaos and noise in China

  • Why you shouldn’t rely on your credit cards too much while traveling through China

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Ep 1 - Meet The Fellas. ChinaMike and Rico’s Stories. What This Podcast Is About

This is the very first episode in which Mike and I share our stories of how we got started in China and what this podcast is going to be about. Including:

  • Why we decided to start sharing information about sourcing, crowdfunding, and setting up shop in China

  • Mike talks about his 7 years’ experience of running operations in China, how much Guangzhou has changed in that time, playing basketball semi-professionally and how he got started with sourcing

  • Rico’s story of jumping into China with both feet in, how he hustled in the beginning and how his failed ideas ultimately lead him to working with Mike

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Rico Comments
How To Source Your Product on Alibaba Without Getting Scammed

Whether you are an entrepreneur, or a purchasing agent; whether you are more serious about product development and want to launch a crowdfunding campaign (like many of our friends successfully did), or just private label a product and sell it on Amazon, you’ll find yourself facing pretty much the very same challenges in most of the stages of sourcing a product on Alibaba.

You need a good strategy for finding suppliers on Alibaba, and you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how, in 5 relatively simple steps, you can start finding and weeding out factories for your next product.

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Alibaba SeriesRicoComment