Ep 13 - 100% Funded in 48 Hours Kickstarter - Wood MacBook Skins with Bambooti.be

Rico Skyped with the Bambooti.be Boys, Pieter Van Moll & Freek Gielen, about their 200% funded Kickstarter campaign. Their campaign ends in 2 days and their slogan is simple and catchy, "A Wooden Back For Your Mac" but the unique selling point isn't doesn't end there. Topics Include.

  • The strategy that got them 100% funded within 2 days of launching the campaign
  • Why they chose to manufacture in the UK rather than China
  • How Freek used his design skills to make a MacBook everyone adores
  • One of THE BEST ways to get influencers, tastemakers & major publications to pay attention to your campaign
  • How they plan on scaling their business via a drop shipping business model