Ep 14 - Author, Amazon FBA Expert, Electronics Sourcing Guru - Manuel Becvar from ImportDojo.com
One of best interviews we've done thus far on the podcast. Manuel Becvar is a renaissance man based out of Hong Kong & Bangkok, with over 10 years of experience sourcing electronics in China and two successful companies. He took us to school on topics such as:
- Why he never took the leap from Hong Kong to mainland China
- The sourcing skills he's mastered through his electronics trading company Mandarin-Gear and
translating those into a successful Amazon FBA Coaching venture called ImportDojo
- If Amazon will try to kill the competition and take all the knowledge/skills learnt from it's sellers
- When an FBA seller should consider shipping via Air vs Sea
- His FBA launch process and favourite marketing tactics
- What the main differences are between Alibaba & Global Sources
- The importance of networking and giving value without expecting anything return
Resources - Listed As Mentioned:
Manuel Becvar E-Books:
Tim Ferriss - 4-Hour Work Week
Freedom Fast Lane w / Ryan Moran Podcast