Ep 35 - Leveraging High Paying Jobs in China While Starting a Business (w/ Nick Lenczewski)

In this episode we interviewed Nick Lenczewski (Len-chess-key)  the author of Ultimate China Guide: How to Teach English, Travel, Learn Chinese & Find Work in China. He writes books and makes movies to help people discover the incredible life that living and traveling in China brings. Made in China Podcast listeners can download the first 30 pages of Ultimate China Guide for free here.

Topics Incl:

  • Eating Chicken Feet at  7 / 11
  • Going from 0 words to being a medical translator of Mandarin to English
  • How he found and now helps foreigners find non-teaching jobs in China
  • Opening his own English teaching school in China
  • Dating and being treated like a celebrity in China
  • Getting a Chinese Driver's License 
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Ep 34 - (Bonus Episode) #ThisIsChina

A short episode where Rico and Mike remind us of that good old #T.I.C., "This Is China." The guys discuss some of the off the wall situations they find themselves in living and working in the Middle Country (Zhong Guo).

Stay tuned for:

* Sights and sounds of a Chinese gym

* The Smokehouse aka the office bathroom

* Donnie Does China

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Ep 33 - First Year in China Lessons

In our first episode of 2017 (which was recorded in 2016), Rico sat down with Harrison Bevins - whom you might remember from Ep 19 Inside Rico's Private Mastermind  - to discuss what life lessons you might learn in your first year in the wild wild East.

Topics Incl:

  • Getting over cold stares and being shoved in and out of elevators
  • The strategies we used to settle into life in China
  • Living in Taipei for comfort vs Guangzhou for hustle
  • Why no one concurs China in a year
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Ep 32 - What We Find SCARIEST About Scaling A Business

What happens as your business grows to the next level? Rico and ChinaMike talk about what to look out for as business expands and how to manage the growth.

Topics Include:

  • Scaling a business
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Working for Abercrombie & Fitch
  • Avoiding negative output when hiring staff
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Ep 31 - Meeting Two New Friends A Week w/ Heather Shuster olliworld.com

In one of my (Rico) favourite episodes I sat down with Co-Founder of Olli and Enter China member Heather Shuster (also known as Indiana Jones in the community) about her journey sourcing from Sri Lanka and manufacturing fair trade rubber footwear in China:

Topics Incl:

  • Her journey to China
  • Why she chose to go out searching rubber plantations in Sri Lanka
  • Being called "Mr. Shuster"
  • Making the decision to meet two new friends a week for self-improvement
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Ep 30 - International Business Payments Using Bitcoin? w/ Neil Woodfine COO @ Remitsy.com

In this episode we had the pleasure of talking to Neil Woodfine COO of Remitsy. His Fintech startup processes international payment into China (at the moment) through Bitcoin. Which allows for faster and cheaper transactions than your typical international wire transfer.

Topics Incl:

  • What Bitcoin and Blockchain tech is and how it's going to affect the future.
  • How you can save money on international payments through Remitsy's service.
  • Why YOUR banks are trying to adopt the blockchain technology ASAP.
  • How convoluted the traditional SWIFT network (wire transfer) system is.
  • The biggest misconceptions behind Bitcoin, Blockchain tech and cryptocurrencies in general.
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Ep 29 - Quality Control 101 in China Manufacturing w/ Renaud Anjoran (SofEast.com)

After a bit of a hiatus we're back with a strong episode! We spoke to Renaud Anjoran owner operator of SofEast.com a quality control inspection company in Southern China.

Topics Incl:

  • The most common misconceptions about quality control
  • Can you trust your supplier's internal QC department?
  • What the hell are Acceptable Quality Control Limit Levels?
  • Prevention methods for quality control
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Ep 28 - Footwear Design, Dealing with China Remotely & High Volume (w/ Ryan Flynn)

This week's episode was a first! We got the chance to interview a fan of the podcast, he reached to us via email, Rico met him for drinks in the Guangzhou IFC Tower and now he's guest on the show. His name is Ryan Flynn, he's a designer in NYC, who works for a multi-national sportswear brand as their Design Director - specifically in their athletic footwear department. 

Topics Discussed Incl:

  • When working with Chinese trading companies is actually the best option for you
  • What happens when your factory switches out materials on you
  • Dealing with China remotely
  • Ensuring you get the best out of your designs when certain materials are expensive
  • How he gets high volume orders done with insane time contraints
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Ep 27 - How to Avoid the Dreaded "China Day"

In this short episode ChinaMike & Rico talked about the routines and methods they use to avoid the dreaded "China Day." If you don't know what a "China Day" is, well listen to the episode and found out...

Topics Inc.

  • Setting Up A Routine
  • Perspective on the Culture Around You
  • Cultivating a Positive Mindset
  • Doing Your Research
  • Making Local Friend
  • Utilizing Local Resources
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China, LifestyleRicoComment
Ep 26 - (Bonus Episode) Goals

In this short bonus episode Rico & ChinaMike talked about entrepreneurs and what the importance of setting goals, is to them.

Topics Incl:

  • One goal they succeeded and one goal they failed at last year and why.
  • What they've learned about goal setting through trial and error
  • Balancing realism and optimism
  • How announcing your goals publicly holds you accountable
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Ep 25 - Dating in China at 30 - With Chilli (Part 2)

Rico had the opportunity to interview Chilli, his ex manager from his English teaching days on being female, 30 and single in China.  This is part 2 of a 3 part episode. We went in deep on marriage on this week!

Topics Incl:

  • Why it's normal for the husband to give his entire salary to his wife
  • Chili's friends telling her to date a "hot foreigner" because her English is so good!
  • The disadvantages of dating or marrying a someone
  • Picking sides between your significant other and your parents
  • What you owe your parents if they help you buy a house?
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Ep 24 - A 6 Month of Review of The Podcast

In this short but sweet episode ChinaMike and Rico broke down their favourite Made in China Podcast episodes from the first 6 months of podcast (at the time of the recording).

All podcast episodes mentioned are listed in the resources.

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Ep 23 - EC Success Stories - Over $400K Raised, 2 Kickstarter Campaigns (with Winson Tam)

ChinaMike, Rico & Winson Tam Skyped in from Chicago, Guangzhou & Shenzhen to talk about Winson's insane Ruggie Kickstarter and his previous All Season Sweats campaign which have raised over $400,000 CAD.

Topics Include:

  • Why you should drop a product even after a successful campaign
  • How to launch a bootstrapped campaign by offering a % of the raised funds
  • Why the "Law of Attraction" isn't just some woo woo bullsh*t
  • How Winson leveraged a hometown relationship to get featured on MAJOR news outlets like The Huffington Post
  • The 2 must read books for your basic marketing knowledge when outsourcing your campaign
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Ep 22 - (Bonus Episode) The Canton Fair - How To Maximize Your Visit

In another short and packed bonus episode ChinaMike & Rico broke down some gems and a few hacks to help you maximize your Canton Fair visit.

Tips include:

  • How to easily register, avoid lining up with 1,000s of people and get your badge
  • Accommodation tips you won't find from a Google search
  • Some of the best places to eat and meet foreigners and locals
  • Why you shouldn't take a quote you get at the fair at face value
  • The best ways to come across as sourcing pro when communicating with suppliers
  • What type of suppliers to expect and which phase is best for you
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Ep 21 - Dating in China at 30 - With Chilli (Part 1)

Rico had the opportunity to interview Chilli, his ex manager from his English teaching days on being female, 30 and single in China.  This is part 1 of a 3 part episode.

Topics Incl:

  • The pressure being the an only child in China puts on you to appease your parents
  • How society perceives a woman who's 30 and single as mentally disturbed
  • Jennifer Aniston...
  • Short term benefits vs long term negatives of buckling to the pressure
  • Why Chilli goes against the grain
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Ep 20 - (Bonus Episode) 7 Lessons Learned About Living in China

In this short bonus episode Rico and ChinaMike broke down lessons they've learned about living in China. Topics Discussed Incl:

  • How damn difficult it is to live a healthy life
  • Why you can get distracted or complacent
  • People are just people
  • Just try it!
  • Persistence is key
  • The USA is not the shit (people are just people)
  • Always bring headphones
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Ep 19 - Inside Rico's Private Weekly Mastermind/Accountability Group "NO.X 3.0" (No Excuses)

This week Rico takes you into one of his private weekly mastermind/accountability meetings aptly named NO.X (No Excuses).  These weekly meetings are designed to keep members accountable for defining and completing weekly goals with a view of reaching your more ambitious long-term goals one step at a time.

Topics in the meeting incl:

  • The two automation apps that will absolutely change your life and business
  • Learning how to read 2 books a week almost effortlessly
  • Spending $15 on Facebook ads to achieve 1000s of viewers
  • The mechanics of an online business aimed at Chinese consumers
  • Setting up LinkedIn and Facebook Sales Funnels
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Ep 18 - Serial Tech Entrepreneur, Author and China Business Expert Michael Michelini

Another epic!

Rico interviewed Michael Michelini a serial tech entrepreneur/author/american Internet dude - based in Shenzhen, China. Michael's list of achievements include consulting for companies like Cisco Systems, Tencent and AllRecipes.com to name a few, running 2 successful podcasts (China Business Cast & Global From Asia) and co-founding multiple tech startups over his 9 years in China.

Topics covered in this episode incl:

  • Shenzhen vs Silicon Valley
  • His involvement in bringing the first Startup Weekend Event to Shenzhen
  • Why the average budding entrepreneur may get rejected by an HK Bank in recent times

  • His moment of rebellion against the judges at 36 Kr (Chinese Techcrunch) and how he got the crowd on his side

  • Why being too much of a friend can hurt your relationships with your staff in China

  • Balancing multiple businesses while being married with 2 young kids

  • How try as they might, governments can’t restrict global entrepreneurship and digital nomads because of the internet

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Ep 17 - A Podcast About Our Favourite Podcasts

In our least formal episode yet! Rico and ChinaMike chopped it up about their favourite podcasts and why you should listen to them. Podcasts have been extremely beneficial in the lives of our hosts and continue to simultaneously be their main forms of entertainment and education.

Episode talking points include:

  • Being one of the key factors that brought them together to form Source Find Asia
  • How The Joe Rogan Experience helped ChinaMike get through rough periods in China
  • Why ChinaMike has beef with Neal Brennan
  • The podcast that gave Rico vital business strategies he implemented into SFA
  • How podcasts can keep an entrepreneur motivated during their journey
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Ep 16 - Crucial Things You Need to Know When Forming a Startup in China - Nathan Jansen 1421.Consulting

In this episode Rico sat down with long time China friend Nathan Jansen from 1421 Consulting. 

Nathan dropped knowledge bombs on topics such as:

  • The most commonly formed business entities in China (i.e. WOFE, Representative Office, Joint Venture etc) and the advantages/disadvantages of each one
  • What the hands down best city to register your company in China is right now
  • The biggest misconceptions people have about registering a company in Mainland
  • What the minimum registered capital is to form your startup in the Mainland China and what registered capital is exactly
  • Why registering your company in Hong Kong first, will save you TIME & MONEY
  • If the Chinese company registration laws are becoming less or more strict and why
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