Ep 74 - Black Panther in China Movie Review Part 2

This week we continue to listen to Rico and Nick’s Critique on Black Panther and other topics about the MCU Characters and it’s Rival, DC Comics.

Topics Includes:

  • Marvel VS DC

  • Bucky's Story

  • Captain America's the ladies Man and The Ironman Scandal

  • Asian Superhero?

  • Marvel's renting their superheroes to other movie studios

  • Captain Canada and Deadpool

  • Marvel movies inspiring the real life superheroes of the future

  • Rating Top 3 Marvel Movies

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Ep 73 - Black Panther in China Movie Review Part 1

Enough Business talk! This week we are releasing an old Podcast that didn't get released until now. Nick Nerov joins Rico in this 2 parts podcasts to review Marvel's Black Panther that was released on China's Movie Theatres. They became movie critics in this episode and give their own observations and perspectives as well as sharing each of their favorite experiences of the movie.

Topics Includes:

  • Marvel Superhero Characters are still new to the Chinese Audience

  • Rico is being compared to Obama

  • Chinese's peception of a black man

  • Unassuming Africa's rich economic countries

  • Nick's and Rico's Favorite part of the movie

  • Rooting and being emotional for the Villain

  • Immigration issue parallelism 

  • Superb Fight Scenes

  • Favorite supporting actor/ actress

  • Intrigued by Wakanda

  • Strong Females, Gender Equality properly portrayed in the movie

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Ep 72 - Working for a Foreigner in China

For this week we are reposting a quick episode from the youtube channel where Rico interviews his project manager Immigen and ask her questions on how she feels working for a foreign company in China

Topics Includes:

  • What her role is as a project manager

  • Comparing working for a foreign company to a chinese company

  • What she thinks about the company from when it started to what it is now

  • The future of the sfa company

  • Organizing a client's company

  • Being systemized is a necessity

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EP 71 - The China Business Cast Podcast Episode feat. Rico

Here's a repost from Michael Michelini's podcast China Business Cast where Rico switch sides from Interviewer to the Interviewee. They touch on topics regarding Original Design Manufacturing from its process and the steps.

Topics Includes:

  • What it takes to run a company

  • Critical to have a clear and detailed communication with your employees or suppliers”

  • “Molding”

  • The importance of coming to china to meet your manufaturer/ supplier

  • The Process - step 1 come to china: DFM (design for manufacture)

    Step 2 : Create a Sample

    Step 3 : Full Mass Production

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Ep 70 - Crowdfunding for Sex Toys, Lovach

Warning!!! This conversation contains Explicit topics!!! NSFW! It's a first in this Podcast where sex is part of the topic which was heavily discussed between Rico and Leony Tan. Leony, who works for a company who specializes in sex toys called Lovach, Introduces Molly and gives a brief description and the benefits regards to the product as well as sharing more in depth issues about the sex toy industry, indiegogo crowd funding campaigns and the common challenges they experience when manufacturing products with chinese factories.

Topics Includes:

  • Starting out as a teacher in China.

  • "Focus on something you can control"

  • Product Features: 2 point stimulation

  • Benefits of sex toys in today's world and how it helps long distance relationships

  • Flaws from other products: Invading privacy and unregulated toys, “be careful what you put up in your @$%!

  • The Lovach Team and their roles

  • The steps to manufacturing the product

  • Issues with factory : best to get an industrial designer

  • indiegogo launching

  • Marketing Plans

  • Expectations on the campaign

  • Next product after "Molly"

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Ep 69 - Evolving your Business with Mark O' Connell Part 2

In this sequel, Mark continues to share his experience importing from China and dealing with the Australia’s government’s strict customs policies. Later on the conversation, he gives positive details why he chose and continues to work with Rico.

Topics incl:

  • Customs Issues; “Tags on Bags”

  • What it means to be a Sourcefindasia Client.

  • Transparency needed between the client and supplier

  • Why he LOVES Working with Rico.

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Ep 68 - Evolving your Business with Mark O' Connell Part 1

Over the years, Technological Advancement has progressed rapidly and has affected everyone including how you run your business system, from sharing files using floppy disks to sending files on the email. In this part 1 of 2 episodes, We have Mark O' Connell who has had a printing business since the 90s to share his overview of the transition to the digital age and how he had to adapt his business according to times.

Topics incl:

  • Starting the business during the 90s and to how it is now.

  • His Definition of an Entrepreneur

  • How digital changed his Printing Business "Innovating through the times"

  • From trading to Sourcing

  • Language barrier - Dealing with the chinese trading companies

  • "You make your own luck"

  • Shipping and Border Control

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Ep 67 - Over $1 Million in 45 days - The Bento Bag Indiegogo Campaign w/ Kish

A Fascinating story we have in this podcast episode, Rico gets to Interview good friend, Kish, Who along with his wife founded Nomad Lane. He graciously shared their success stories and how they were able to gather $1,000,000.00 in 45 days through crowdfunding with their indiegogo campaign and the challenges and strategies they had to endure along the way.

Topics incl:

  • Start in E-Commerce

  • Each partner's role using their respective skills and training 

  • Enter China Community

  • CrowdFunding

  • The Fast Company Article and how it made an impact.

  • Maximize Maximize Maximize

  • “Try to be something to Someone”

  • Canton Fair

  • Tips and Advices based from Experiences

    • Being Cautious

    • Do not Deviate from the Campaign

    • Have a solid foundation with a supplier

    • Plan well to meet Deliveries

    • Having A Good Support System

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Ep 66 -Importing into China with David Sheu Bears Nutrition

We are Back! In this Episode, Rico Chats with David Sheu, CEO and Co-founder of Bears Nutrition. Here they touch on topics mainly about Importing into China.

Topics incl:

  • Importing into instead of manufacturing in China

  • Business in China is like the wild west

  • Exotic food in China; "Kentucky Fried Snake"

  • History of Bears Nutrition and transitioning to the Chinese market

  • Challenges faced and the need to Develop Relationships, Trust and Lots of Networking.

  • Bears Nutrition Launch

  • Explaining its Distribution system; Warehousing. 

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Ep 65 - The “Rent a Foreigner” Industry in China

In this episode, which was taken from the Sourcefind asia youtube channel, Rico Sits down with his buddies Nick and Ben, to talk about how Ben got into the famous Chinese "acting" (Rent A Foreigner) industry.

Topics incl:

  • Acting for chinese business presentations

  • how ben got into the acting industry

  • getting repeat Gigs

  • Knowing the "Real Market Price"

  • Loving and Adpating with China 

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Ep 64 - How to find Meet-Ups in China?

In this episode, Chinamike and Rico connected to discuss about China's Meet ups in general. The good and advantages for sourcing entrepreneurs who are hoping to get educated or even grow their own personal network in the industry.

Topics incl:

  • Access to Information is Key

  • The importance of having Meet Ups

  • Digital Nomads in Chiangmai Vs China

  • After meet up-meetups

  • What would make an interesting and fun meetup

  • Digital Nomads Summit


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Ep 63 - Review of Reply All Podcast #124 The Magic Store (Amazon FBA)

Episode 63 covers the Interview of Harrison Bevin in one of Rico's favorite Podcast "Reply All by Gimlet". They share their reactions and expanded even further on Topics regarding the ugly side of Amazon's imperfect system that most consumers aren't aware about.

Topics incl:

  • Being interviewed at Reply All 

  • Drop Shipping

  • The dark side of Amazon 

  • Hi-Jacking

  • Price wars

  • The Cons of Being an Amazon Reseller

  • What Amazon can do to Improve and protect their sellers and consumers.

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Introducing the Canton Fair Pre-Accelerator 2018

Click here for more info: Canton Fair Pre-Accelerator 2018. 

Coming to China to source private label products around the Canton Fair?!? Well, don't you fret, cause our main man Rico will show you the way! Introducing the Canton Fair Pre-Accelerator 2018. You would not want to miss this!!

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Ep 62 - Leveraging Your Network (Guanxi) For China Business w/ Michael Michelini

Welcoming back to the Made In China Podcats is Michael Michelini, The most "popular" guy Rico knows in China. A fellow podcaster, Digital Entrepreneur and Event Organizer specifically the "Cross Border- Summit". Here he chats about strategies on how to use the network you build, to help you with your businesses.

Topics incl:

  • "Enter China" Community

  • Transitioning to organizing events

  • Building your network

  • Bringing the locals and foreigners together

  • Cross border summit 

  • Challenges of going global 

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EP 61 - (Bonus Ep) Rico's Guest Interview at Global From Asia Podcast


It's time  for our protagonist to shine, Rico was invited and interviewed by Michael Michelini, a business partner with "Enter China Community" on his Global From Asia Podcast. Here he talks about himself and how he ended up in China and reveals his own stories about learning and growing about the crowdfunding and sourcing business.

Topics incl:

  • Rico's Background and how he ended coming to China

  • Getting into Source Find Asia

  • Passion for Podcasting

  • How to achieve the best resulting Quality product from factories

  • Dealing with manufacturing mistakes; late orders and bad quailty.

  • Negotiating as a Team!

  • Motivations and Meditating

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Ep 60 - One Month in China: FBA, Canton Fair Sourcing w/ Ahmed Part 2

This episode is the 2nd part of a 2 hour conversation between Rico and his buddy Ahmad Abuleil, A globetrotter, E-Commerce Entrepreneur and current resident of Houston, Texas. He shares his experiences and observations from his first visit to China. A one month trip aimed at sourcing products at the Canton Fair, researching country's potential import markets, as well as immersing himself in the middle kingdom's customs

Topics incl:

  • What Ahmad love and hate about China

  • TEA and Chinese's business pratices

  • Recommendations before coming over to the Country

  • Networking in Guangzhou

  • China's banned websites and Internet issues

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Ep 59 - One Month in China: FBA, Canton Fair Sourcing w/ Ahmed Part 1

This episode is the 1st part of a 2 hour conversation between Rico and his buddy Ahmad Abuleil, A globetrotter, E-Commerce Entrepreneur and current resident of Houston, Texas. He shares his experiences and observations from his first visit to China. A one month trip aimed at sourcing products at the Canton Fair, researching country's potential import markets, as well as immersing himself in the middle kingdom's customs

Topics incl:

  • First Impressions of China

  • The importance of WeChat app

  • Tips on Canton Fair - Business Card Etiquette - Ideal attire

  • The Benefits of doing Squats

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Ep 58 - (Bonus Ep) #ThisisChina The Trilogy

The Trilogy to the #ThisIsChina #T.I.C series. In this bonus episode, Rico and ChinaMike continue talking about random stories and funny situations they experience in China while adapting to the social culture and it's business practices.

Topics incl:

  • Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai

  • Factory Tales

  • Rico watches Chinese Movies

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Ep 57 - Opening a Restaurant in China w/ MiCasa's Mazen Dabbousi

In this episode, Rico and ChinaMike interview restaurateur Mazen Daboussi a foreigner who opened a restaurant business in Guangzhou, China without any local partners. He shares his experiences, challenges and successes in operating a Mexican Fusion Resto in an old city whose locals have young pallets - slowly embracing International cuisine.

Topics incl:

  • The history of how Mazen founded MiCasa

  • How Guangzhou cuisine has progressed through the years.

  • Training and motivating long-term employees in China.

  • How to compromise personal taste to fit the local market.

  • Registering a business in China.

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Ep 56 - ChinaMike WildBall Update & Cirque Du Soleil

In this episode, Rico and ChinaMike talk about their current projects. Mainly Mike's progress with China basketball tours and plans to bring Chinese players to the US. 
Rico's developing, "Manufacturing accelerator program" - bringing people from the US and other countries to China to work out of his office sourcing their own products.

Topics incl:

* ChinaMike WildBall Tours Update

* Cirque Du Soleil

* NCAA players in China

* Chinese basketball players in the US

* Chiang Mai Life

* Rico's Manufacturing Accelerator Program test run

* Dealing with corporate clients

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